Purchasing Ammunition: Regulations and Laws You Should Know

If you intend on purchasing a weapon, it is important to not only know some of the more common gun laws – it is also important to know some of the common laws surrounding the purchase of ammunition. Of course, a gun with ammunition is deadly, so the state and federal government wants to make sure that people are protected. And while purchasing ammo is less strict than purchasing firearms, you may still run into red tape. When it comes down to it, there are also individual state laws that regulate the purchase of ammo. Knowing these ammunition laws is important for the sake of staying on the right of side of the law. Here are some ammunition regulations and laws you should know.

Purchasing Ammunition: Regulations and Laws You Should Know

  1. You can purchase ammo online – with restrictions. Right now, you can visit Diamond K Brass and purchase ammo. However, you want to check your state and county ordinance to make sure there are no restrictions on the type and quantity of ammo. Some counties won’t allow incoming shipments of ammo, so you may have to visit another county to pick up your package.
  2. You must be a minimum of 18 years old to buy ammo. Just like you have to be eighteen to vote or purchase tobacco related products, you must be 18 years old to purchase ammo. When you purchase ammo online, you will be required to go through an age verification process to make sure that you are old enough. If you aren’t old enough, you may have to wait until you are, or you may want to visit a gun range with a legal guardian.
  3. You cannot purchase or sell armor piercing bullets. In most states, you are not allowed to own or sell armor piercing bullets. These are bullets that are designed to rip through bulletproof vests and helmets. These types of bullets are mainly used in the military and they are incredibly deadly. In fact, you cannot find these bullets unless they are issued to you by your unit in the military – otherwise they are off limits and any retailer selling them is probably doing so illegally.
  4. You cannot purchase or use ammo with lead in some states. In the state of California, and a few other states, you are not allowed to buy or use bullets that have lead in them. Of course, lead can be a toxic, but it is a common material found in bullets. The only problem with this is that it presents an environmental conundrum, which is why legislation was passed to ban ammo with lead.
  5. You cannot purchase ammo if you have been convicted of a felony. If you have been convicted of a felony, you may not be allowed to purchase ammo. The same goes if you have a history of mental illness. Usually, there is a screening process that is put in place when you purchase ammo – if you are found to have a criminal background, you will not be allowed to make the purchase. In the end, you may be breaking the law if you are in possession of ammo and have a criminal record.

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