Basic Fertility Treatments

Fertility has always been an issue for married couples. Rarely do you find a married couple who does not want to have a child as soon as they are married. In fact, most married couples want to have a child as early as possible. They usually have the best timing for it but what happens when a couple has issues with fertility? What happens when the couple is facing a problem that they cannot conceive a child of their own? The physical and emotional implications are very complicated for married couples who have fertility issues. However, there are still a lot of choices a couple can make to solve fertility issues barring that their problem is not genetic or centered around an underlying illness.

Basic fertility treatments are readily available once you decide to ask a doctor about the state of your fertility. There are several fertility treatments that can be done in order to get your partner pregnant as fast as possible before time runs out. Here are just some of the most basic fertility treatments:

1. Intrauterine Insemination

Intrauterine insemination is a procedure that is done to the woman when the woman’s fallopian tube and ovaries are healthy enough to bear an egg cell but the male’s sperm is not able to swim directly to the uterus due to low motility. Low motility is one of the common problems of fertility issues in men. When this happens, the doctor will issue an intrauterine insemination. The husband is told to gather sperm and the doctor will have it concentrated and then it will be introduced into the wife’s uterus through a small opening in the cervix via a catheter. Once the semen is introduced to the uterus, the concentrated sperm will be able to swim through the fallopian tube and inseminate the egg cell making the wife pregnant. This procedure usually takes place for a couple of minutes in the clinic.

2. Ovulation Induction

The treatment called ovulation induction is a very simple fertility treatment. The doctor will prescribe a medication that will help stimulate ovulation in order to increase the chances of conception. Your doctor may ask you to buy menopur for this one. Note that most of the time the doctor will prescribe with you this type of treatment when you are not ovulating normally or you do not have a normal menstrual cycle. Ovulation Induction will keep your menstrual cycle normal and increase the chance of ovulation exponentially hence you increase the chances of getting pregnant. Normally, the doctor will have a blood test on the second or third day of the menstrual cycle. The doctor would then advise the woman to take oral or injectable medication on the fourth day. Everything will be monitored from here on out including blood and ultrasound tests in order to know when the woman will ovulate. Once the doctor discovers the woman is about to ovulate, he will advise them the best time for intercourse.

Basic Fertility Treatments

3. In Vitro Fertilization

One of the most common treatments today is In vitro fertilization. In In vitro fertilization, the eggs are removed from the woman’s ovaries and are fertilized with the sperm from your partner or from a donor. This is done via the careful hands of the doctor in the laboratory. Once the egg is fertilized, it is then placed back in the uterus in order to continue the normal process of pregnancy. The success rate for IVF is between 28 to 35 percent which is not that much but is still highly successful for women who really want to get pregnant.

4. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

For couples who have problems with their husband’s ability to conceive a child, there is still hope. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection might be the viable treatment option for you as a couple. During ICSI, the husband’s sperm is taken and injected to a single egg. Once the sperm is inside the egg, the egg is placed into the uterus in order for it to follow the normal process of conception.

5. Gestational Carriers

Gestational carriers are also known as surrogate mothers. Gestational carriers usually carry your embryo. They are the ones who will experience the normal process of pregnancy for you. During this entire process, the couple will place both the fertilized embryo into the surrogate and let the entire process come to term. The couple will have to work closely with the surrogate mother during the entire pregnancy. The surrogate and the couple will have to sign legal documents and let the attorney explain all the complex processes behind being a gestational carrier.

With these readily available fertility treatments, a couple will have all the chances in the world to be happy with a child and a family.

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