Selecting A Lawyer For Your Personal Injury Case

Whether you were involved in a car accident, were injured on someone’s property or were hurt in any other way–and believe another party’s negligence was to blame– you are entitled to pursue compensation for lost wages, medical bills and any pain and suffering that you may be experiencing. The importance of choosing the right lawyer cannot be overstated. Finding a lawyer probably won’t be an issue for you –rather finding the right one will be. Here are some important points to consider when making your decision:

Don’t Be Wooed by Slick Advertising

The best lawyers typically don’t need to do much advertising—their competence ensures a steady stream of referrals. This is not to say, however, that a lawyer who advertises must be a bad one who is having trouble getting clients, or is not good at what they do. But, don’t choose an attorney because you see their ads all over town, or because of a commercial promising big bucks for your personal injury claim. This is a particular area of law where there may be less than scrupulous attorneys gunning for your business

Get Referrals

This one may sound a bit obvious, but you would be surprised how many people seek out a lawyer without ever asking around for a recommendation. They just hop online and call the first attorney who pops up in the search engine, or the one who they always see on ads on the side of the city buses. If you know anyone who has had a personal injury case in the past, ask about the lawyer she used, and if she was happy with his services. If you are familiar with other attorneys in different practice areas, ask them who they would suggest for this type of case. If you think there is anyone in your life who might have some insight, it would be silly not to ask them. You might just find the perfect lawyer for your needs.

Selecting A Lawyer For Your Personal Injury Case


If you have a personal injury claim, it is imperative you choose a lawyer with extensive experience in personal injury law. Many attorneys perform a garden variety of services, and take on an eclectic mix of cases. Often times, this is really not an issue as the matter may be pretty straightforward, and extensive knowledge and experience is not really necessary to get the job done.

But, this is not the case when it comes to this area of practice. You want a lawyer who specializes in these cases, and handles them day in and day out. Furthermore, you want a lawyer who is experienced in dealing with your specific injury. Working a medical malpractice case is very different than a product liability one. If you got in a car accident, you want an attorney who specializes in auto accidents, not industrial disease.

Evaluating the Attorney

When meeting with a potential candidate during a consultation, there are several points to consider. Pay attention to the general feel you get from interacting with him. You are not looking for a new best friend, but it is important you at least like him. Is he answering your questions, and willing to explain things you may not understand, or does he seem like he can’t be bothered? Does he seem knowledgeable about your type of injury, and is he speaking intelligently about how the case should be handled? Does it seem like he has the financial resources to try your case properly? If you choose a lawyer who doesn’t have sufficient funds, it will compromise your case. Make sure you discuss communication—will you actually be able to talk to him, or should you expect to be dealing with paralegals the remainder of your time together? How long does it usually take to get responses to emails or phone calls? Does he schedule regular sessions to ‘catch you up’ on what is happening with your case?

If you follow the above tips, you will increase your chances of finding a good lawyer, and the right lawyer.

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